Financial Management

Financial literacy is important for workers’ future

Candidates on this program have to work hard to make money for their family and community. It is our job to help them protect this hard-earned money with several programs:

  • Smart spending: We provide training on cost-saving tips, where to look for affordable products, and prevention of bad spending behaviours such as gambling and alcohol abusing.
  • Scam prevention: There are various scammers trying to lure workers into get-rich-quick schemes. We provide training for workers to recognize the patterns of these scams, such as new crypto coins, free cash.
  • Lodging tax return: Depending on their visas, workers might need to file a tax return for incomes they received while working in Australia. Mirai provides training on tax logdement and steps to file tax returns.
  • Superannuation claim: After repatriation, workers will need to claim their superannuation. It is not difficult to do this, but it requires some preparations. We provide training and help workers make preparations to claim their super after returning home.


Download our sample training documents here: